Angkor Wat in Cambodia
188 months ago
Angkor Wat was constructed in the jungle in the early 12th century, then - two centuries later - was mysteriously abandoned by the Khmer civilization. The jungle soon overwhelmed Angkor Wat, hiding it for several centuries with thick tropical foliage when, in 1861, a French naturalist accidentally came across the jungle veiled ruins.

Angkor Wat is one of many structures in a huge human-built complex, as geographically large as Paris. It is collectively called Angkor.

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173 months ago

I have never heard of Angkor Wat before. The pictures of this temple complex are really magnificent in it' look. I am particularly impressed with architecture and carvings on the stones.
I will definitely visit this architectural master piece soon. Could you please tell me what are the favourable months to visit Angkor wat?
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152 months ago
What is the location of this Temple, I mean I never heard about it, is it among the seven wonder? May be it is awkward question but let me know please?
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