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Harz Mountains in Fall
от: Budzik
Описание: Beautifull colourfull Autumn in Harzburg
to: albanianarabicbulgariancatalanchinesechinese_simplifiedchinese_traditionalcroatianczechdanishdutchenglishestonianfilipinofinnishfrenchgaliciangermangreekhebrewhindihungarianindonesianitalianjapanesekoreanlatvianlithuanianmaltesenorwegianpersianpolishportugueseromanianrussianserbianslovakslovenianspanishswedishthaiturkishukrainianvietnamese
добавленно 16.03.2009
от: zagul
Plauen is a city in the Free State of Saxony, east-central Germany. It is the capital of the Vogtlandkreis. The city is situated near the border of Bavaria and the Czech Republic.
от: winwin
от: jklak
Wspaniałe zoo w stolicy Bawarii
Tropical Island in the middle of nowhere